Way4 Merchant Service Workbench has offered acquirers a user-friendly interface to manage their merchants’ participation in Mastercard’s MABU and Visa’s VAU programs. With this new feature, the acquirer’s team can spend less time on daily operations related to these programs.

VAU and MABU allow merchants to update their card-on-file records proactively, ensuring that subscription payments and other merchant-initiated transactions are not declined due to outdated PANs or card expiration dates. The acquirer acts as an intermediary who collects merchants’ requests to enroll in or withdraw from the program, sends consolidated files to Visa and Mastercard, and processes the IPS replies.

The new workbench screens allow the acquirer staff to check MABU and VAU registration/deregistration lists conveniently in one place. It is now quick and easy to check which merchants have been approved or rejected, whose program status has changed recently, and so on. The program status is also reflected in a merchant’s individual profile.

This enhancement is available for acquirers who already have licenses for MABU/VAU functionality in Way4 Acquiring, and for Merchant Service Workbench.