Way4 Payment Switch Software

Omni-channel payment hub, ATM/POS transaction switching, e-commerce gateway, interfaces to payment schemes, and more - on a unified software platform

Omni-Channel Transaction Switching  

Is your payments technology fit for the future? Today people shop globally, send money instantly abroad, and choose their payment method based on location, services, pricing or just personal preferences.

Way4 Payment Switch software is the foundation you need to increase transaction volumes and be competitive with prices and services.

For CEOs

  • Increase online revenues by enabling digital transformation on a single platform: POS and ATM management switching, omni-channel payments hubs, e-commerce gateway, digital wallets, instant payments, alternative payments, national and cross-border payment switching

  • Orchestrate various systems online into smart services and ensuring convenient security

  • Expand your offer with associated services and third-party partnerships via rich API

  • Provide the best possible customer experience with smart routing, fast time-to-market for new services, high stability, and a wide service offering

  • Facilitate cross-border payments supporting both unification and local specifics

  • Reduce the total cost of payment acceptance with high security standards and daily routine automation

  • Monetize the payment data for adaptive pricing and personalized services and benefit from level-3 data analysis

For CIOs

  • Ensure interoperability via a wide range of protocols and the ability to create new ones quickly

  • Connect internal systems, channels, payment schemes, and third-party service providers via rich API

  • Set your rules for routing, fees, and fraud prevention that are adaptive to customer behaviors

  • Create your own services using business rules and scripting

  • Achieve high standards for security and fraud prevention

  • Be highly available and support millions of transactions per day

Tier-1 Payment Players and Startups Unite on Way4

Banks, processing companies, telecommunication and fleet companies, national payment switches, e-money institutions and PSPs use the Way4 universal payment hub all over the world to run local and cross-border payment businesses.

Some of our customers’ achievements:  

  • 34,000,000 transactions per day

  • 4,300 transactions per second

  • 1,400 different payment types on a single WAY4 installation

  • 26 independent banks organized in a regional switch with clearing and settlement on Way4

Easy to Launch a New Payment Business

Some of our traditional acquiring customers quickly established e-commerce gateways and launched digital wallets on Way4. Others decided to diversify with cross-border and classic POS acquiring solutions.         

We Understand Your Challenges

Complex projects

  • National and cross-border switches

  • Comprehensive support from OpenWay: joint business analysis, customization, training

Smart innovations

  • Balance between innovations development and cost-efficiency

  • PSD2 Hub, Messenger banking, Instant schemes, 3-D Secure 2.0, Biometrics

Experience of migrations

  • Established connections to the most widespread payment systems (CMS, RBS, CRM, terminals protocols)

  • Successful projects globally with support of local interfaces

  • National switch project completed in one year

  • Migration methodology ready: from mainframes and open legacy systems to Way4

Way4 Payment Switch at a Glance

Multiple business models

  • Universal payment hub

  • Wallet payment hub

  • POS / ATM / Kiosk switch

  • E-commerce gateway

  • M-commerce payment gateway

  • Interbank national / regional switch


  • POS

  • mPOS

  • Smart POS

  • ATM

  • E-commerce

  • In-app

  • Chat bot

  • Host-to-host

  • USSD

  • SMS

Smart routing

  • Flexible pricing

  • Tariff-based and event-driven routing

  • Rule-based customer scenarios

  • Level-3 data analysis

  • User defined parameters, etc.

Value-added services

  • Instant Payments

  • Instant B2B, B2C, P2P, B2G, C2G schemes

  • PSD2 Hub

  • 3-D Secure 2.X

  • Tokenization

  • Loyalty

  • NFC: white-label, Samsung Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay

  • QR code payments: closed-loop, mVisa, MasterPass QR, UnionPay QR

  • Dynamic currency conversion (DCC)

  • Recurring, MOTO

Payment schemes

  • Mastercard

  • Visa

  • Diners Club

  • UnionPay

  • American Express

  • JCB

  • Alipay

Easy management

  • Customization toolkit

  • Flexible integration

  • User-friendly administration console


  • ISO 8583

  • ISO 20022

  • SEPA

  • SPDH

  • NDC+

  • API, Rest API


  • Online 24/7/365

  • 2,400 transactions per second in live implementation

  • High availability

  • Scalability: S to XXL

  • Online risk monitoring

  • PA-DSS

Global and local

  • Multiple currencies

  • Multiple countries, time zones

  • Multiple languages

  • Closed-loop schemes

  • Domestic schemes

  • Cross-border schemes

Delivery models

  • On-premise

  • Cloud