OpenWay is an established leader in digital wallet solutions

Juniper Research recognizes OpenWay as an established leader in payments technology and ranks Way4 among the top five digital wallet platforms globally. OpenWay has a proven track record in digital payment innovations and was the first to offer a white-label digital wallet software solution to the global market. The Way4 Digital Wallet software solution from OpenWay scored particularly well for the variety of use cases it facilitates and the range of payment types it supports. 


A key differentiator of the Way4 Digital Wallet is that it not only offers a large selection of value-added features for digital wallets across a broad range of use cases but also provides a comprehensive end-to-end online payment platform. This platform covers cards and wallets issuing and management, omnichannel merchant acquiring and switching, tokenization, integration with digital currencies, accounting and A2A payments, credit and BNPL, B2C and B2B products, instant payments and online settlement, fraud prevention, automated workflows, and more. 

Way4 is a flexible, rule-driven and highly configurable platform that helps OpenWay's clients quickly create unique payment solutions. It is PA DSS and PCI SSF compliant and offers a multi-level system of online risk management and fraud prevention.  

The installation offering is flexible: Way4 can be implemented on premise, in the cloud, as dedicated SaaS, or in hybrid mode.  

Data streaming and data analytics are also strong features of Way4 Digital Wallet. Wallets can be constantly adapted to end users’ needs, streamlining cost and risk management for the wallet company. Though data, Way4 makes customer behaviour more transparent so the company can quickly adapt to any changes. 

All this explains why the majority of OpenWay clients are tier-1 companies and ambitious fintechs. Thousands of banks, processors, and fintech companies across the globe have selected OpenWay as a strategic partner in payments to run businesses for millions of end customers.

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