Card relocation, group contract management, and other new options for testing engineers

‹Product enhancement›

In this release, Way4 Product Inspector comes with multiple enhancements. First, there are new operations to emulate and test:

  • Relocation of a card between different account contracts in Way4, with the option to preserve the card’s existing parameters. This functionality is often used by fleet issuers and meal card issuers. For example, when a group of employees is transferred from one sister company to another within the same corporate group, their meal cards will be managed under a new contract in Way4, but the cardholders’ limits and fees will remain the same.

  • Processing a request from an external system to add a new contract to an existing contract group. This is essential for acquirers and fleet processors who group contracts by a certain attribute and assign tariffs to contracts in a selected group.

Second, it is now possible during test script preparation to define which contracts undergo extra limit normalization (simulation of direct debit functionality). By waiving this step for many contracts, testing can be completed faster.

Third, it is now possible to include or exclude Trace Messages from the test script export. This provides flexibility in the speed of the export procedure and the size of the resulting file.

The new testing options are available to all clients using the latest version of Way4 Product Inspector.

* Way4 Product Inspector is a technical solution for functional and regression testing of Way4 Core, including contact parameters, tariffs, payment processing workflows and others. Way4 Product Inspector allows the IT staff to create and run tests, then analyze the system behavior. Together with the Way4 Testing Framework, which OpenWay clients use for automated functional and regression testing of other Way4 components (such as online interfaces with payment schemes, ATM/POS controllers, or web services), the solution facilitates Way4 system upgrades and speeds up the launch of new functionality.