Flexible contracts management with new Way4 Contract Groups web services

‹New feature, separately licensed›

Contract management for major portfolios can be challenging, especially when various contracts must be organized effectively without disrupting established hierarchies and while dealing with multiple contract types and conditions across different regions and industries.

The new Way4 Contract Groups web services are designed to assist in grouping issuing and acquiring contracts, linking cards, and setting usage limiters. These services are particularly advantageous for scenarios such as fuel card processing, where they facilitate the customization of contract groups for various fleet companies and fuel stations within Way4. They are also beneficial for issuers managing salary projects by allowing contract group adjustments based on salary structure hierarchies, thus streamlining operations and enhancing management control.

The Way4 Contract Groups web services allow for flexible contract grouping without altering the existing contract hierarchy. They facilitate the use of common settings for selected sets of contracts, such as employing tariff plans for a set of independent contracts or setting effective usage limiters for specific contract groups. They also enable the application of various other conditions to these groups, offering more flexibility based on diverse factors such as region, industry type, and location.