Intelligent Hierarchy Changeover for Merchants


<New feature, separately licensed>

Now acquirers can save time when reassigning a retail location and its devices from one merchant to another in the event of a property sale transfer, where both the seller and buyer are merchants in the same acquiring portfolio in Way4. The transition is seamless for end customers with no interruption in card acceptance.

This situation is common in the fuel card market, characterized by frequent sales of fuel sites, as well as in countries with a highly consolidated acquiring market.

With this new feature, an acquirer can select and move attributes from one merchant hierarchy to another within Way4. Attributes may include merchant sub-contracts, tariffs, and device settings such as usages and classifiers.

After the changeover, the location and its devices under the old merchant contract may still remain active for a time period to ensure that the last pending transactions have been processed correctly. The acquirer can indicate how many days this post-transition period should last.