EMV 3DS 2.2 Protocol for Issuers and Acquirers


<New option, separately licensed>

Now Way4 can process e-commerce transactions in accordance with EMV 3DS 2.2 protocol. It works on both the issuing (ACS) and acquiring (MPI) side. One of the major benefits of this protocol is that it supports exemptions to Strong Customer Authentication. There are specific cases when the SCA step can be skipped without compromising security and the giving the online buyer a faster, smoother payment experience.

One of these specific cases is whitelisting, when Way4 allows a cardholder to add a merchant or another 3DS requestor to the trusted beneficiary list. Whitelisted entities can process transactions from this cardholder without SCA.

Acquirers can configure the new protocol in Way4 3-D Secure MPI when it is used:

  • as a module integrated with Way4 Acquiring and Way4 e-Commerce Gateway solutions

  • as a stand-alone solution that handles 3DS authentication for external acquiring systems and e-commerce gateways

Issuers can configure the new protocol in Way4 3-D Secure ACS for card portfolios where:

  • all card accounts are managed by Way4

  • some card accounts are managed by a third-party system with its own ACS functionality. For example, the issuer is migrating from another system to Way4. Our ACS module can be a single-entry point for IPS Directory Servers. It can detect on-the-fly if this card has not been migrated yet, and route 3DS messages to and from the external system.