Web Services to Store Card Tokens On the Acquiring Side


<New option, separately licensed>

Now acquirers and service providers can send a request to Way4 to create a card token and use it repeatedly for card-not-present transactions, even if the acquiring front end is powered by a third-party solution. It gives buyers a more convenient and secure payment experience and can potentially increase the acquirer’s processing volumes. This feature is known as card-on-file tokenization or acquiring tokenization.

Upon a request from an external mPOS device or e-commerce checkout, Way4 generates new card tokens, saves them in the database, shares them with the merchant, uses them to authenticate transactions, and deactivates outdated tokens. Before passing data to international payment schemes, Way4 performs de-tokenization for such transactions and marks them as “card-on-file”.

Way4 has also provided a similar web service for fleet acquirers and service providers who accept payments via automated fuel dispensers (AFD). The tokenization and detokenization workflow covers specific fleet acquiring transactions – preauthorization, AFD completion, authorization confirmation, and reversal. This web service is provided without additional fee to customers who have purchased the “Online on-us purchase” web services option.

This fleet-specific acquiring tokenization is already being used by a service provider who facilitates payments at 7,000 gas stations in Eastern Europe. Drivers tokenize their cards in this provider’s mobile app. Upon receiving a request from this app, Way4 registers tokens in its database for transaction processing purposes. Thanks to this feature, drivers can pay at the pump via mobile without a card or without even leaving the car.