Loading New Types of Tariffs to Way4 Datamart

<Product enhancement>

Way4 Datamart can now load and store information related to new types of tariffs. Reports that include these data help issuers and acquirers to come up with pricing strategies that benefit themselves and appeal to customers.

Volume-based tariffs

With volume-based tariffs, cardholders and merchants pay proportionally to how much services they received from their issuer or acquirer. The service volume parameter can be either monetary, like a balance and a turnover, or quantitative, such as the number of transactions in a period. New tables in Way4 Datamart store the volume ranges and tariff rates for each range.

Service value days tariffs

Acquirers use these tariffs in Way4 to calculate the value dates for payments, such as the date of merchant settlement. There is a new field in Way4 Datamart that indicates settlement period in days.   

Service limit tariffs

Service limit tariffs define the minimum and maximum values of parameters, such as the allowed transaction amount for money transfers and limits on deposit interest accrual or free-of-charge cash withdrawals. Now Way4 Datamart loads information about minimum and maximum amounts of a parameter into the dedicated fields.