Datamart Q1 2019 Update

<Enhancements to the existing product>

Grouping For Ad-Hoc Reporting

Users can now group the entries loaded into WAY4 Datamart over a period of time when gathering information ‘on the fly’ for ad-hoc reports. The data structure of your existing reports remains intact. 
An example would be grouping all the entries related to the annual card fee or interest accrual on loans. After a user creates and applies the selection rule, a special screen shows the newly grouped data. One entry may be a part of as many groups as needed.

Ancillary Service Charges

From April 2019, Mastercard issuers are mandated to include ancillary services charges on cardholder statements. To support your compliance, we’ve introduced a new table to store these data.

Ancillary services charges data concerns the passenger payments processed by airlines, railways and travel agencies. Baggage allowance, frequent flyer number, wi-fi or in-flight entertainment fees among others can be passed from acquirers to issuers in the new Mastercard message field. 

FX Rates Data Loading

Issuers and acquirers can now load extended information about FX rates. This includes a special table with all the FX rates that were valid within a certain banking date. When generating a report for a transaction in a foreign currency, WAY4 will apply the respective FX rate.  

End-of-Day Data Loading

You can load end-of-day data more flexibly. We have split ‘End Day Facts’ into six new modules: ‘FX Rates', 'Transactions', 'Card Production Lifecycle', 'Exception List', 'Accounting Dimensions and Facts' and 'Debts and Reserves'. Each can be loaded according to its own schedule or simply switched off.   

Authorizations Data Loading

To improve the flexibility of loading data, we have split the ‘Authorizations’ module into smaller ones: 'Issuer Authorizations', 'Acquirer Authorizations', 'Acquirer Fraud', and 'Comms Log'. The “Acquirer Fraud” module loads the fraudulent transaction notifications received from payment schemes – TC40 data from Visa and SAFE data from Mastercard.  

The ‘Comms Log’ module stores unsorted inward and outward technical messages in the ISO format. You can now load them separately from other business data. If you do not need the ISO messages, simply switch off the module to lighten the load work.      

Interchange Fees Data Loading

A new module in WAY4 Datamart helps issuers and acquirers track the progress of interchange fee clearing and settlement. You can load documents sent to and received from the international payment schemes. Entries include the payment scheme name, file type, incoming or outgoing channel and other data.

WAY4 Manager Support

Now every reporting feature of WAY4 Datamart is available through WAY4 Manager since the system version 03.48.30. This applies both to the issuing and acquiring side, to those who are already using WAY4 Manager and those migrating from DB Manager to WAY4 Manager.