Testing Framework Q1 2019 Update

<Enhancements to the existing product>

The tool comes with the respective services   

With the Testing Framework tool, you can create and run automation tests of WAY4 components. It means a more reliable process of continuous integration and faster delivery of new features to the production system.

The new release comes with several enhancements of Testing Framework.

Improved Testing of ISO8583 messages

New Protocols Supported

WAY4 users can now automate testing of Mastercard, Visa and domestic schemes protocols, and more specific protocols, such as OpenWay H2H and OpenWay POS. You can also test your own dialect of the ISO8583 messages by adding it to the test project.  

New Messages Comparator

The purpose of testing ISO8583 messages varies case by case. There are now three different ways to compare the test message with the expected outcome:

  1. Compare all fields (by default)

    By default, the system checks the correctness of the entire message and reports the errors below:

    • Divergence of the field value – for every field 

    • Field(s) missing in the test results 

    • Presence of unexpected field(s) in the resulting message

  2. Compare selected fields

    This option focuses on the fields of your choice, their presence and values in the resulting messages. For example, you can track discrepancies for the Field 039 (Response Code) only.

  3. No comparison

    Use this mode if the message content per se does not matter. For example, you are creating a test script but do not know the field values yet. An error would mean the complete absence of the expected message. 

EMV Transaction Testing

It is now easier to prepare scripts for EMV transaction testing and test the operations which involve cryptographic checks. We’ve enabled the generation of chip data within Testing Framework. If the system tester enters the card, terminal and keys parameters, the tool automatically calculates the DE55 security field value.  

New Design of Reports

It is now easier to find discrepancies in the reports resulting from ISO8583 message testing. The reports show all inward and outward messages chronologically and highlight all discrepancies graphically.

Sample report on the test results of ISO8583 message

What’s else?

With Testing Framework, you can now automate regression testing of the following system components:

  • Inward SOA UFX, SOAP, REST requests from any external system to WAY4 

  • WAY ATM controller: the WAY4 system emulates a request from the ATM to the ATM controller and checks the response content. Testing Framework now supports the NDC protocol. The DCC protocol will follow shortly. 

  • WAY4 3-D Secure ACS: the tool emulates a 3-D Secure authentication process on the issuer’s side. Testing Framework sends/receives prepared pairs ofVEReq/VERes, PAReq/PARes messages. Then it sends an ISO8583 message to the payment scheme.

Example of message sequence for testing 3-D Secure transactions