New contract search functionality in Way4

‹New feature, separately licensed›

Way4 now has new contract search functionality to meet the needs of large issuers, acquirers, and processors, particularly those managing hundreds of thousands of contracts and complex hierarchies like corporate or merchant accounts.  This enhancement is designed to streamline the process of rapidly identifying specific contracts and client information within the system.

Previously, the context search was limited to client data, focusing on non-indexed fields like names or addresses. This posed a particular challenge for corporate clients and large merchants with numerous contracts under a single hierarchy. A single client like a hotel chain might have thousands of contracts, making the context search process particularly time-consuming.

The new functionality in Way4 enhances context searches of issuing and acquiring contracts under the same corporate client or merchant by using both client and contract data. It allows for quick, flexible and secure searches irrespective of the physical structure of the contract, vastly improving usability and efficiency in customer support situations.

A common case example is when support personnel need to quickly identify a calling customer and access information based on various data points such as transaction details. The enhanced tool allows data to be swiftly identified and retrieved regardless of the complexity of the client's contract structure.

Implementation note:

The new contract search tool is separately licensed. However, there is a free solution that is able to change the data mapping to create a client record for each contract with client-specific information. This may require changes in client interfaces and data migration, estimated to take 10 man-days.

OpenWay continues to support all features of the previous client search model, including the separation of sensitive and general data.