Real-Time Acquiring Notifications to External Systems


<New option, separately licensed>

Now Way4 Acquiring can notify external systems in real time about a card transaction upon its acquiring authorization. Notifications are generated for both retail and ATM operations, as well as other types of acquiring activity. Which data fields Way4 transmits depends on the transaction type and the acquirer’s custom settings.

Here are a few use cases of how real-time notifications can be used by acquirers:

  • Notifications about the purchased amount of fuel can help a gas station to better plan the replenishment of its storage tanks.

  • Notifications about cash withdrawals can help an ATM network operator to better plan the replenishment of terminal cassettes. External risk-management systems, marketing and loyalty engines, accounting applications, and CBS can also make use of Way4 online notifications.

The notifications are sent via ISO8583 or UFX interface. They can be sent for both successful and rejected transactions.