Web service for Managing Account Links

<New option, separately licensed>

Upon requests from external systems, Way4 can change the position of an accounting contract within the hierarchy and/or change its subordination type.

For example, an acquirer learns that its client A is selling a retail location, along with its POS terminal, to its client B. Upon request, our system can change the liability contract – reassign this device or the whole shop to merchant B. 

An issuer may find this feature especially useful while managing card hierarchies for families. Let’s say, there is a parent named as the primary cardholder and a child as the secondary cardholder. As the child matures, the parent may decide to lessen supervision a little bit. Upon request, Way4 can change the liability type for this secondary card – from “Reporting” to “Only Check Balance”.

Furthermore, when the underage cardholder reaches legal adulthood, Way4 can delete the liability link – move this card out of the parental hierarchy and make it primary on its own.