Alipay on WAY4


<New product options, separately licensed>

OpenWay has integrated WAY4 Acquiring with the Alipay system to support “Transaction QR Code Payments”, so you can start processing Alipay transactions for your merchants.

Alipay is the top-choice of payment method for Chinese tourists. Forbes estimates that “192 million Chinese tourists will travel abroad annually by 2021, spending $457 billion in overseas markets.”

When it’s time for the customer to pay in a retail store, WAY4 can request the order-specific QR code from Alipay and display it on the POS terminal. Buyers use their Alipay mobile app to scan the code and confirm the purchase. WAY4 notifies the merchant on the transaction status.

As the acquirer, you can manage payment authorization, transaction cancelling and refunds related to Alipay transactions. This new functionality is available for our customers running POS acquiring business entirely on WAY4, and for their partners and ISOs whose POS terminals connect to WAY4 via host-to-host interface.

Per our customers’ request, we are ready to expand WAY4’s integration with Alipay and support more payment methods – “Merchant QR Code Payment”, “Barcode payment”, e-commerce and in-app mobile payments.