Native Interconnection Hub

<New set of product options, separately licensed>

OpenWay has developed a new solution for seamless migration to a new switching system. With WAY4 Native Interconnection Hub you can avoid integration between the old and new processing infrastructure. In most cases there is no need to involve the legacy system vendor. You can execute large-scale migration projects at your own speed and avoid unnecessary costs. This solution also helps financial institutions arrange an interrupted data flow between switching systems from several vendors. If one system is undergoing changes, it will not impact the others.

WAY4 Native Interconnection Hub routes transactions between the IPS and multiple processing systems. You can configure routing rules that depend on the card, operation and other parameters. The hub supports a variety of ISO8583-based messaging protocols, including different native Visa, Mastercard, and other international payment systems’ formats.

WAY4 Native Interconnection Hub benefits financial institutions in two particular cases:

  • Phased migration to WAY4. WAY4 Native Interconnection Hub helps launch WAY4 (or another payment platform) and have it working in parallel with a legacy system. It is an alternative to the ‘Big Bang’ approach which shuts down the old system as soon as the new one goes live.

    With the phased approach, the hub captures all the data traffic from the IPS and splits it between legacy and WAY4, according to your pre-defined rules. Eventually all the transactions will be switched to WAY4, and you can disconnect the obsolete system and the hub. 

  • Interoperability of multiple processing systems. If you permanently use several switching systems from different vendors, WAY4 Native Interconnection Hub can distribute the transaction flow between them. For instance, when a company acquires a division that runs its own payment infrastructure, that infrastructure can stay in place as long as needed. The hub can route IPS transactions between both processing systems – the main one and the acquired one.

WAY4 Native Interconnection Hub also works as a stand-alone solution. It can be used by payment players who do not run any other WAY4 solution and have no previous experience with our platform.