Multi-Dimensional Classification of Transactions

<New set of product options, separately licensed>

<Configuration requires a separate service agreement>

Now a financial institution can classify WAY4-powered transactions by up to 10 dimensions (parameters) of its own choice. The new functionality brings two valuable advantages.

More flexible pricing schemes in WAY4

For example, acquirers can define a merchant service charge based on a combination of different parameters – a card brand and type, geographic area, MCC, transaction amount and others. Similarly, issuers can differentiate fees for their cardholders. 

Here are some examples of dimension combination for a transaction:

  • Transaction made via a partner in Europe with a Visa consumer credit card

  • On-us domestic transaction of amount less than 25 EUR made with a Mastercard commercial credit card

  • On-us transaction made in Europe with Visa – both commercial and consumer credit cards

Our system identifies the combination type in real time and applies due tariffs pre-configured by the issuer or acquirer.

Advanced turnover analysis

Now it is possible to segment transactions in multiple ways and calculate turnover separately for each segment. For example, our system can record the combined balance of all payments made with Visa corporate cards in European restaurants.