Card Scheme Fee Calculation Based on Several Tariffs

<Enhancements to the existing product>

Now WAY4 can calculate a multi-component Card Scheme Fee (CSF) that acquirers pay to IPS for each transaction. The number of components, i.e. tariffs, ranging from zero to "N". If multiple CSF tariffs apply to the same transaction, they will be calculated independently, then summed up and posted as a single total fee. 

This feature simplifies your calculation of merchant service charges. 

Similar functionality can be used for other business cases. If you need WAY4 to calculate an amount as a complex mix of sub-fees, please consult with the OpenWay Support Team. 

Example: Let’s say, an acquirer has processed a 3-D Secure authenticated e-commerce transaction for 1000 EUR paid with a Mastercard commercial card. How will WAY4 calculate the CSF fee for this transaction?

Among all the CSF sub-fee tariffs registered in WAY4, the bold ones are applicable to the example transaction:

  • E-commerce 3-D – 0,005%

  • Currency USD – 0,01%

  • Currency EUR – 0,012%

  • Visa commercial card – 0,05%+0,00075 EUR

  • Mastercard commercial card – 0,005%

Total fee: 0,005%+0,012%+0,005% = 0,022% = 0,22 EUR