Way4 Housekeeping can now process closed contracts and outdated FX rates

<Product enhancement>

<Implementation project required>

Banks and processors spend significant amounts on purchasing servers and disks for their processing databases, which are constantly growing in volume. Meanwhile, only 20-30% of the information stored in them is used for daily operations, since much of the accumulated data is outdated. As data volumes grow, so does the time required for backing up information and performing other database management operations.

OpenWay has created Way4 Housekeeping, a flexible tool for efficient management of growing data volumes, which:

  • Reduces backup time

  • Slows down production database growth

  • Ensures fast access to archived data

Now, Way4 Housekeeping works with closed contracts and outdated exchange rates, analyzing the time elapsed since the contract expiration date. If it exceeds a specified number of days, Way4 Housekeeping moves the contract to the archive, clears zero-balance account numbers, and closes templates. To configure the new features in Way4 Housekeeping, please request your BRM to initiate a new project in the support department.