Way4 Product Inspector news

<Product enhancement>

In this release, we implemented a lot of useful enhancements to Way4 Product Inspector* that will make the work of your testing engineers with this tool easier and smoother. We expanded the list of standard testing actions and steps, and enriched the logging functionality to allow testers to emulate even more payment scenarios from the production system. Below is the summary of the most important updates (the full list is provided in the technical release notes received by your Way4 support team).

* Way4 Product Inspector is a technical solution for the functional and regression testing of Way4 Core, including contact parameters, tariffs, and payment processing workflows. Way4 Product Inspector allows users to create and run tests, then analyze the system behavior. Together with the Way4 Testing Framework, which OpenWay clients use for automated functional and regression testing of other Way4 components (such as online interfaces with payment schemes, ATM/POS controllers, or web services), this solution is useful during Way4 system upgrades and speeds up the launch of new functionality. 

Smoother user experience

Easier and quicker change of testing contracts

Now, for all test steps from the action group "For Contract", users can rely on a dedicated tag to redefine the current contract so Way4 will choose another contract for testing. It speeds up testing by minimizing the steps necessary to create scripts for another contract.

The tag applies to all test steps from the action group "For Contract", except the "Mark Card" and "Que Event" steps, where the tag has a special meaning.  

XSD schema creation

To simplify export and import of test scripts in Way4 Product Inspector, we have created an XSD schema. It allows you to validate the file structure when importing test scripts created by your internal systems to Way4 Product Inspector. The XSD schema also ensures that the test scripts exported from Way4 Product Inspector are compliant with the file structure of the target system. 

Optimized export without trace messages

To speed up the export of test results from Way4 Product Inspector and downsize the exported file, we have added a new pipe parameter. It allows users to specify whether to include trace messages in the export or not. The reduced file is more convenient for further analysis.

More data to process – more business cases to test and analyze

Enhancements for SEPA direct debit testing

Users can more accurately track the test results for the SEPA direct debit functionality. Now Way4 Product Inspector supports logging of the beneficiary’s payment details.

Testing of extra-limit normalization

Now it is possible to simulate direct debit functionality for debt repayment within the scope of the test script, using a new test step CDU.Extra Limit Normalization.

Instalment testing enhancements

  • We improved the testing of transaction conversions into instalments. Through a dedicated tag, Way4 Product Inspector users can specify for which customer account the instalment should be created. The system will automatically calculate the instalment plan according to the pricing terms for the corresponding account.

  • Way4 Product Inspector can now log addendum documents in text format for instalment transactions. These documents contain information about the customer’s instalment plan, including due dates. Usually, a merchant’s systems would insert this information in the receipt.

Support of transactions with line items

Now users can rely on Way4 Product Inspector to test transactions that contain retail line items. The solution supports logging of information about what goods and services were purchased.  The new functionality is crucial for fuel card processors as they can now emulate transactions made at filling stations.

FX rates functionality enhancements

  • Now users can emulate loading of the FX rates from external channels.

  • To optimize test system performance, we recommended that you clear unused FX rates from the “FX Rate” table. This can now be done through a new menu item in the Product Inspector.

GL closure for selected FIs

Now Way4 Product Inspector allows GL closure to be emulated for several selected financial institutions at once within one run of the test script. The functionality will be useful for processors and bank groups consisting of several financial institutions.

Testing of card hierarchies with several cardholders

We have simplified the testing of issuing cases where a cardholder’s main card is bundled with supplementary cards assigned to other people, such as in family schemes. A new tag allows users to specify all cardholders each time the script is run.