Dynamic loading of data to Way4 Datamart

<New feature, separately licensed>

<Implementation project required>

Now users of Way4 Datamart can load data several times a day without waiting for end-of-day procedures. In this way, banks and processors can access Way4 processing data faster and generate important business reports as frequently as required by some SLAs. Users can also significantly reduce the time of the daily standard ETL procedure.

Issuers and acquirers can dynamically load static data such as contracts, clients, addresses, as well as dynamic data such as transactions or authorizations. There are two main approaches to dynamic data loading depending on the business object type.

  • Changed data loading. The system can be configured to load only the changed data. The examples of such objects include changes to clients, contacts, or billing periods. This approach could be useful for financial institutions who stream data to third-party systems.

  • All data loading. This approach is used for loading FX rates and attributes. The users can select the types of data to be loaded more frequently and set the frequency of loading. For example, they can set the system to load FX rates data three times a day, with the full data loaded each time.

Depending on business requirements, users can rotate standard end-of-day and dynamic data load for different types of data.

Additionally, the dynamic load feature can be used to reload a selected data module for a specified time period.