Device Binding for Visa Tokenization Services


<Product enhancement>

Now Way4 supports the VDEP device binding functionality that has become mandatory for issuers participating in Visa Token Service. Apart from being compliant, issuers get the benefit of using extra data for risk-based authentication during card-not-present transactions.

Device binding is the process of linking a token to a trusted device. When e-commerce and card-on-file merchants store a token instead of card data, they can bind the same token to cardholder’s multiple devices, such as mobile phone, tablet and smartwatch. For future transactions, the usage of any of these devices can serve as an additional identification factor while not impacting the checkout experience, thus speeding up the authentication process. 

Issuers can rely on Way4 to recognize requests related to VDEP device binding, verification and cancellation. This new processing flow relies in most cases on the same data fields that are used for step-up authentication. Information about token-to-device links remains in the Way4 database. The device binding requests may come from external sources such as merchants, digital banking channels and customer call centers. Way4 can generate the necessary notifications for all involved parties.