Showcase for Easier Promotion and Sales of New Products in Way4 Digital Banking

New showcase of the card products makes the process of ordering card online more interactive and easy

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Now Way4 provides a convenient self-service interface where customers can instantly order and personalize new card products. It eliminates the hassle of filling in multiple fields, sending the application to the issuer and waiting for the decision. Users can get a new card in a couple of clicks, so there is less chance of customers changing their mind and abandoning the process half-way. The user-friendly interactive showcase can help financial institutions to sell more prepaid, debit and credit cards via Way4 digital banking apps.

The showcase enables scrolling through available card products, each with a colorful picture, list of features and tariffs. After choosing a card, the user configures its type and currency, links it to an existing account or opens a new one, and indicates the location for delivery or pickup of the plastic version. This in-app experience of ordering a bank product is quite similar to ordering customized goods in online shops.