New Protocol for Interaction Between National Payment Switches (NIPF)

<New option, separately licensed>

Now Way4 supports the new NIPF online interface. A national payment switch can use NIPF to connect to MIR, the largest national payment scheme in Eastern Europe, and also to exchange online messages with any other switch connected to MIR.  

In other words, NIPF supports interoperability between national payment schemes and MIR for card-based transactions. It covers authorizations, financial requests, reversals, online clearing, reconciliation, dispute processing, DCC, and more.

Here is an example of multi-lateral card acceptance that becomes possible through NIPF. Let’s say that a national switch from country A and a national switch from country B are both connected to MIR. Issuers working in country A will have their cards accepted by acquirers of country B and vice versa. And, of course, acquirers in both countries will accept MIR cards, and vice versa.