Web Service for Creating/Changing PIN Codes Based on New RSA Keys

<New option, separately licensed>

Issuers on Way4 can provide extra security for PIN management by means of asymmetric RSA cryptography. Now Way4 can generate asymmetric keys for exchange of PIN-related information with the core banking system (CBS) and other external applications.

Way4 can perform the following steps upon additional request:

  1. Generate a new RSA pair – the public key and the private key – for a particular card

  2. Return the public key to the requesting side

  3. Receive a PIN block encrypted with the public key

  4. Decrypt the PIN block and update the PIN value in the issuing database

  5. Notify the external system about the operation success or failure

As an option for this workflow, the PIN block can exclude the card’s PAN digits and include the CBS number. This option helps prevent theft of PAN on the external system’s side. The CBS number is an identifier preassigned to a card in the Way4 issuing database.