Linking Multiple Way4 Datamart Instances to One Way4 Database

<New option, separately licensed>

Now a Way4 database can be linked to multiple Way4 Datamart instances.

It is useful:

  • For processors who want to improve how fast data is made available to their client banks. Selected banks can get their own Way4 Datamart instances, access their customer and transaction information anytime and generate various reports independently.

  • For live-piloting new Datamart versions or functionality enhancements. While the production Datamart instance works as usual, the live-pilot one can operate just the same or handle entirely different data loads and reports.

The versions of linked Datamarts may differ, for example, versions 47.xx and 48.xx can be used in parallel. If necessary, each linked instance can have its own configuration, with unique parameters:

  • Data load frequency

  • Types of loaded data

  • Interface views