New Integration Component for Health Monitoring

<New set of products option, separately licensed>

To help system administrators easily visualize WAY4 performance and quickly detect technical issues, we have introduced the REST Gate interface for WAY4 Health Monitoring. It allows WAY4 to share data with external monitoring and analytics software, such as Prometheus.

Integration with Prometheus simplifies the daily tasks of a WAY4 administrator in many ways:

  • User-friendly data visualization and customized dashboards like the charts below created by Grafana, a third-party tool.

The real-time charts depict Transaction Switch metrics, such as average processing time, used memory, and more

The real-time charts depict Transaction Switch metrics, such as average processing time, used memory, and more

  • Advanced management of alerts and incidents with help of VictorOps, PagerDuty, or Opsgenie software.

  • Option to use Monitoring as a Service on Datadog, New Relic, or Dynatrace platforms. 

Through the REST Gate interface, WAY4 Health Monitoring integrates with many other open source applications. It can simplify tasks that go beyond system performance monitoring.