From the 12-14th of November, we had the pleasure of holding our long-awaited webinar series for our clients around the globe — the Way4 Release Notes for Business! Through this event, our audience got an in-depth look at the new Way4 enhancements for acquiring, issuing, digital wallets, payment switching, and more.
All world regions were represented by our diverse participant pool: Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe, Middle East, and Oceania. Real-time Spanish interpretation was enabled for the growing community of our clients and team members in Latin America.
The new features and capabilities stole the show, but the webinar also emphasized three main objectives behind our latest releases: empower our clients to launch new services faster so they can enhance their customer experience, optimize processes, and strengthen security.
So what attracted the most attention at the webinar? Let’s take a look:
Our clients are excited about the Way4 capabilities that are now delivered through our new Way4 REST APIs!
Now web and mobile applications integrated with Way4 via REST API enable a variety of functionality:
- real-time access to external account and card data
- self-services for customers to report and monitor transaction issues inside the app, to manage PIN codes, and to set up card usage limits
- the four-eyes principle in various workflows for online sales of cards and other financial products
- and much, much more.
Issuers and acquirers can enjoy onboarding new customers through the new business-oriented Way4 REST API interface, which has undergone a comprehensive update with more intuitive card-related terminology. Way4 REST APIs can now completely support mobile and web banking, digital wallets apps, and merchant screens.
How does this boost microservices? Well, everything supported through our REST APIs can be implemented through microservices through a Way4 framework, using a cloud-native approach with diversity in our data management platform. We are excited to move in a microservice-oriented direction while retaining all the flexibility, reliability, and scalability of our classic Way4 platform implementation.

Now, issuers, processors, and fintechs can load and manage external currency exchange rates in real time. These constantly updated, instantly accessible rates can also be configured to various products and personalized for different user segments. Rates are applicable to all types of international transactions: cross-border e-commerce payments, physical payments, and international money transfers. Benefits? Revenue from currency exchange, and personalized multi-currency products to boost customer retention and loyalty!
Our clients can be ready for Visa and Mastercard’s new RBA Scores through two powerful Way4 risk management solutions! We also highlighted the enhancements in Way4 for adaptive authentication for e-commerce transactions and automated risk case creation.
Don’t let these innovations pass you by! Contact us to learn how Way4’s latest innovations can drive success for your payment services.

OpenWay is the only best-in-class provider of digital payment software solutions, and the best cloud payment systems provider as rated by Aite and PayTech. OpenWay is a strategic partner of tier 1/2 banks and processors, fintech startups, and other leading payment players around the globe. Among them are Network Int. and Equity Bank Group in MENA, Lotte and JACCS in Asia, Nexi and Finaro in Europe, Comdata and Banesco in Americas, and Ampol in Australia.