You can connect to the service without visiting the Bank, it is enough to have a smartphone based on Android 4.4 and higher, supporting NFC technology, and download the Eurasian Pay mobile application on Google Play. For the convenience of customers, the Bank provides the opportunity to choose two methods for confirming each payment - in the “background” mode, using the fingerprint recognition system or entering the password. Customers of other banks can also use the service by ordering a MasterCard card with home delivery in the Smartbank mobile application.
“Technology makes our life easier. We hope that Eurasian Bank customers will appreciate convenience of the new service, whose advantage lays in its simplicity. The digital wallet will allow them to make purchases in one-touch at more than 50 million trading platforms in 111 countries, while they will not need to carry a bankcard to pay. This is a new stage for our customers who are accustomed to non-cash payments, for which they receive increased bonuses, now, instead of plastic, they can switch to payments by their phone. Today, 87% of our Internet banking customers use Android-based phones. We are sure that they will appreciate the new service on its merits”, said Pavel Loginov, CEO of Eurasian Bank.
Mastercard was the first to introduce the tokenization service in Kazakhstan, and now banks of the Republic will be able to provide their customers with modern payment solutions for contactless payment by smartphones and other devices.
“Mastercard is a technology company. We develop solutions for non-cash payments and for many years have been creating innovations for mobile commerce. We are pleased that with the Mastercard tokenization platform the most modern achievements of the global payment industry are available in Kazakhstan now. Together with partners we offer convenient and safe non-cash payment tools that meet the user expectations and will promote the development of the digital ecosystem to achieve sustainable economic growth, improve the competitiveness of the economy and enhance the living standard in the country”, noted Geniyat Isin, Head of Mastercard in Kazakhstan.
The Mastercard Digital Enablement Service (MDES) tokenization platform allows integrating a high level of protection in mobile payment services. The bankcard data is safe due to the latest developments in payment technologies - EMV, tokenization and cryptography. When using the Mastercard card in the Eurasian Pay wallet, its number is not stored either on the mobile device, on the Bank servers, or at the merchant enterprises. Instead, at connection of the Mastercard card to the wallet, a unique token - a 16-digit combination of numbers tied to the wallet on a specific smartphone is generated. This token is used for payment.
Each transaction made with the help of a token credit or debit Mastercard card, is reliably protected both for buyers and for outlets. For several years, Mastercard has been closely cooperating with technology partners and financial institutions, introducing the payment tokenization service. For the first time, the MDES platform was introduced in 2013 in the US, and since that time, millions of Mastercard cards have been processed as part of the tokenization service for use in popular electronic wallets.
Source: Eurasian Bank
About Mastercard
Mastercard – a technology company operating in the global payment industry. We manage the world’s fastest payment processing network, which connects consumers, financial institutions, trade companies, government and business structures in more than 210 countries and territories. Mastercard products and solutions allow you to more easily, safely and efficiently solve everyday problems, for example, to make purchases, travel, conduct business and manage finances.
About Eurasian Bank
Eurasian Bank is one of the socially important commercial banks of Kazakhstan with a 24-year history of development. The financial institution occupies a leading position in the retail banking business and provides a wide range of services to corporate and SME clients. In September 2017, the Board of Directors adopted the development strategy of the financial institution until 2022, with a focus on retail business development.

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