Now Way4 supports AES KeyBlock LMK

<New feature, no license>

The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) recommends all payment providers to migrate from DES and 3DES to AES. Like DES/3DES, AES is a symmetric algorithm used to encrypt data, but it provides significantly higher encryption strength than DES/3DES. Encrypted symmetric keys must be managed in structures called key blocks.

Way4 now supports AES KeyBlock LMK. The Local Master Key (LMK) is the key under which other keys are protected by AES. The LMK must always be at least as cryptographically strong as the strongest key it protects. AES is considered to be stronger than 3DES because of its design principles, resistance to attacks and key length flexibility. OpenWay is now able to migrate its clients from 3DES LMK to AES KeyBlock LMK. This is the first step of the migration to AES.