Continuous Integration: New Toolkit

Our team is keen to assist you in building a reliable process of continuous integration and increasing the speed of new features delivered to the production system.

We present new tools that will help you organize your pre-production activities for better speed-to-market. 

Testing Framework

<New set of product options, separately licensed>

With this tool, you can automate regression testing of the following system components:

  • NetServer, Transaction Switch or WAY4Gate (ISO8583, Web Services, SOA UFX messages) inward online interfaces

  • WAY4 standard and customized inward and outward batch interfaces (e.g. loading of application and clearing files, transactions and GL entry batches export)

  • WAY4 reports (e.g. cardholder contract statement), etc.

The WAY4 Testing Framework allows you to create a machine-readable testing project which consists of multiple test suites, test sets and test cases and then run the tests in manual or automatic modes. The solution will compare test results from the test run with pre-saved expected results and define if the test passed or failed.

The solution generates user-friendly interactive test reports that show the total regression test statistics and details of each particular test.

Interactive regression testing report screen: 

Test results screen (all links are clickable and open additional information on the test conditions, steps and differences from the pre-saved expected results, if any): 

Configuration Management Tool

<New set of product options, separately licensed>

Now you can compare the configuration of two or more WAY4 instances and see what they do and do not have in common. The elements that are different can be transferred from one instance to another. You can also save a backup copy of a chosen configuration. The data which can be managed are table records, business rules, system settings, FI hierarchy, product settings, global parameters and other configuration elements. However, the tool does not work with sensitive data, such as client profiles, contracts, documents and custom forms.

Configuration Management Tool helps you prove a new functionality in a test environment and then deploy it more safely in production. It saves time and resource spent on manual database setup and minimizes the possibility of human errors thanks to the copy process automation.

Clone Wizard

<New set of product options, separately licensed>

Now you can test different copies of the WAY4 database and choose the most suitable configuration(s) without compromising real business data. 

The Clone Wizard creates an empty WAY4 data scheme with an identical configuration to a chosen node. You can clone table records, business rules, system settings, FI hierarchy, product settings, global parameters and other configuration elements. However, the tool does not work with sensitive data, such as client profiles, contracts, documents and custom forms.