How are merchant acquirers around the globe increasing their revenue despite challenges? Our Merchant Acquiring Profitability report is based on interviews with representatives of major regional acquirers active in various merchant verticals. It offers insights on which value-added services and technologies are helping acquirers increase their profitability, and what the future holds for the merchant acquiring industry.
You’ll find out:
Merchant acquiring as of 2021: what's happening?
Which tools can analyze and increase revenue from core processing?
Generating revenue from VAS: what works for different merchant segments?
Which merchant pricing models work best in the US, and which work for Australia?
Merchant acquiring as of 2021
Revenue from core processing: what’s happening globally?
Why is it challenging to calculate merchant acquiring profitability?
Profitability analysis tools
What VAS bring revenues to acquirers?
Issuing gift and prepaid cards
Monetizing data for merchants
Empowering SMEs
Hyping with BNPL
Where else the growth will come from?
Preparing for post-COVID and beyond
Way4 platform for profitable acquiring business

Merchant Acquiring Profitability Report is released by OpenWay.
OpenWay is the only best-in-class provider of digital payment software solutions, and the best cloud payment systems provider as rated by Aite and PayTech. OpenWay is a strategic partner of tier 1/2 banks and processors, fintech startups, and other leading payment players around the globe. Among them are Network Int. and Equity Bank Group in MENA, Lotte and JACCS in Asia, Nexi and Finaro in Europe, Comdata and Banesco in Americas, and Ampol in Australia.