About a year ago, Enfuce has announced our new partnership with Pleo – a leading Danish start-up revolutionizing expense management across Europe. After months of working together to implement a multicurrency prepaid card solution, it is now time to check in and look back at what has been achieved, as well as where we will go from here.
But let’s start from the beginning. Pleo found out about Enfuce in the summer of 2018 through our common partner Amazon Web Services (AWS) just as they were looking for a flexible payment processing partner with a solid technical foundation and strong in-house industry expertise. As an ambitious start-up serving over 5500 businesses in 6 countries and driven to expand further in Europe, Pleo also highly valued scalability. This is why Enfuce’s cloud-based solution that supports smooth, quick onboarding for end users in multiple European markets was the right fit.
We embarked on the implementation project together in the beginning of 2019, and by October 2019 Pleo was fully integrated to Enfuce API’s and flexible payment processing platform, enabling them to launch business cards across Europe. As a result, together we created a payment solution enabling a seamless end user experience, available anywhere and anytime. Best of all, due to the global scalability of the Enfuce payment processing platform, Pleo now can easily onboard end users in multiple markets and quickly launch innovative offers to new markets in the future.
Enfuce x Pleo solution highlighted features

The partnership between Enfuce and Pleo, built on the foundation of extensive collaboration, is continuing to grow beyond the initial project scope. Case in point – in April 2020 Pleo let us know that they wanted to improve their employee expense management product further and make it even easier to use on every device by adding Apple Pay to the existing payment card services. Before long (namely, in 90 days), Enfuce enabled provisioning of Apple Pay and tokenization of Pleo cards by utilising Enfuce Wallet API’s and our extensive knowledge around wallet projects. Pleo cardholders can now enjoy secure contactless payments using their mobile phones, and wearables in all of the European markets where Pleo is present.
Thanks to their dedication to constantly improving the product, their careful selection of trusted partners for providing quality payment services, as well as their relentless ambition, Pleo has been growing rapidly. Active in Denmark, Sweden, Spain, Germany, Ireland and the UK, Pleo is helping over 12 000 companies with their expense management by transforming business spending – with more European markets coming up. Enfuce is incredibly proud to have been a part of their journey for over a year now, and we look forward to even more fruitful growth in our successful collaboration.

“We were looking for a payment processing partner that would not just provide a quality service with a strong technological foundation, but also understand our growth vision and help us get there. With Enfuce, we found a trusted, competent partner that goes the extra mile to implement card solutions enabling the smoothest possible experience for our customers in six markets.”

“This past year working together has been fast-paced, as both Pleo and Enfuce value rapid go-to-market and fast scalability of innovative payment solutions. It has been amazing to see all the product development and the growth Pleo has achieved in the past year. During the joint implementation projects, we have faced challenges and successes along the way, and we always came out on top together. This collaboration is a true testament to how much two ambitious FinTechs with strong payment industry expertise can get done when they join forces.”
Source: Enfuce’s official website
Enfuce’s business runs on Way4 cloud-based payment processing software
Enfuce, a Finnish payment service provider founded in 2016, offers payment, open banking and sustainability services to banks, fintechs, financial operators, and merchants around the world. One of the reasons behind their rapid growth from startup to global provider of cloud-based payment services, is successful partnerships like with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and OpenWay, a global vendor of digital payment solutions.
By running OpenWay’s Way4 payments software platform in the cloud, they provide their clients with a broad range of integrated card schemes and practically every card product available on the market, whether they are pre-paid, debit, credit, or instalments.
In 2019 Enfuce and OpenWay jointly won a PayTech Award as the “Best Payments Solution for Payment Systems in the Cloud” and in 2021 Enfuce became a pioneer in shaping a Card-as-a-Sevice offering for its clients.

OpenWay is the only best-in-class provider of digital payment software solutions, and the best cloud payment systems provider as rated by Aite and PayTech. OpenWay is a strategic partner of tier 1/2 banks and processors, fintech startups, and other leading payment players around the globe. Among them are Network Int. and Equity Bank Group in MENA, Lotte and JACCS in Asia, Nexi and Finaro in Europe, Comdata and Banesco in Americas, and Ampol in Australia.